
Saturday, September 25, 2010

Fun in Northern Jordan!

One of my favorite sites (I have definitely been accused of favoring them all!) in northern Jordan is the ruins of the Greco-Roman decapolis city of Gerasa - known today as Jerash. One of the highlights of a visit to Jerash is the daily re-enactment of a Roman-era gladiator fight. The photo above is courtesy of John Montgomery, photographer. John and his wife Diane LeBow, travel writer, visited me in Jordan last May. They will return in February to run a series of travel writing and photography workshops. More information here:

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A New Season Begins!

Greetings from Aqaba! After several eventful months on the road with Dragons students, California travel writers and a host of other interesting folk, I have returned to southern Jordan's spectacular desert and teeming Red Sea! It's great to be back and you may anticipate some new and some old stories over the next few months.

Below please find obligatory camel shot!